Category Archives: Spazzle Speaks

Spazzle Speaks: Dead End


I’ll be honest. I don’t really know what I thought I was going to do when I rushed offline last time. The fact of the matter is, there’s not much for me to do. Mokvar’s recall totem, the one he left with me for safekeeping when he left for who knows where, went inactive. The pulsing green glow that marks the bond between the elemental spirits and Mokvar’s flickered out. The only reason that would happen to a shaman’s recall totem is if that spirit link were broken – in other words, if the shaman were dead. And other than my knowing that, there isn’t much for me to do. If I weren’t a shaman myself – even the mediocre one that I am – I wouldn’t even know that much.

Who knows, maybe that’s why Mokvar really decided to leave his totem with me rather than Ji or somebody else: because as a shaman, I would know what it meant if the totem ever went dead. Maybe he knew he was going somewhere dangerous chasing that warlock council, and he wanted there to be someone who would know if he weren’t coming back.

Ji’s not ready to give up hope yet. I can’t really blame him, but then again, he doesn’t really understand shamanism. I considered taking a trip to the Echo Isles to see if Thrall could do anything, but then I realized that it would be pretty hard to explain any of this to Thrall without telling him most of it. And if this really is the end for Mokvar, I don’t want to honor his memory by tarnishing it in Thrall’s eyes, considering how indebted Mokvar felt to him for giving him safe haven in Orgrimmar all those years ago. Besides, I need to be careful about too many people besides Ji and me learning too much about what’s been going on.

That is, other than anybody who might happen to be reading this blog.

Funny that hasn’t bitten any of us in the keister so far. Huh.


Spazzle Speaks: The Goblin is Always Greener on the Other Side of Guild Chat


After Garrosh put up that guild chat log yesterday, I thought it might be helpful to see things from another perspective…

You have logged on.

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] hi baddie

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] check the appendix, then.

[Guild][EdwardBear | Ji] hi mrbadcrumble

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] it should be on a right-hand page, under a map if i recall.

[Bob | Vol’jin] whispered: Hey, mon.

[Guild][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] hey everyone

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Good evening, Spazzle.

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] hey sylvanas

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] ok ok fine, i know better than to argue with you about these things

You whispered to [Bob | Vol’jin]: hey, how are you feeling?


[Bob | Vol’jin] whispered: Better, mon.

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] should I even ask what they’re arguing about this time?

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] if only you knew.

[Bob | Vol’jin] whispered: Chen say pretty soon I be healed up enough ta be back on ma feet an outta dis monastery.

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Honestly, I’m not even sure how they got started.

You whispered to [Bob | Vol’jin]: that’s good

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] ah

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] seriously you must be some kind of master wizard with everything you seem to know

[Bob | Vol’jin] whispered: Can’t happen soon enough, mon – don’ like dis sittin’ around.

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] not really.

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] so what are you working on? are we about to get achievement spammed as usual?

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] i’m not particularly powerful as a caster; i just have a good handle on theory.

You whispered to [Bob | Vol’jin]: yeah but you have to take care of yourself

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] YOU’D PROBABLY BE A GOOD TEACHER THEN

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Nothing imminent. I’m laying the groundwork for some longer-term projects at the moment.

[Bob | Vol’jin] whispered: Any news from Trall?

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] maybe thats why his name is professor! =)

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] meh.

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] i think of it more as “professor” in the “mad scientist” sense.

You whispered to [Bob | Vol’jin]: not last i heard

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] which is fitting, considering i spend most of my time in a laboratory developing biochemical agents of mass destruction.

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] has logged on.

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] haha yea right, your being sarcastic again

You whispered to [LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas]: have you talked to lorthemar?

[Bob | Vol’jin] whispered: When ya see ’im let ’im know I be dere as soon as I can, an den we deal wit’ Garrosh.

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] drat, i’ve been caught.

[LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] whispered: Speak the devil’s name…

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] hi pwn

[Guild][Bob | Vol’jin] Hey OmgipwneduMon!

[LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] whispered: Oops, mistell.

[Bob | Vol’jin] whispered: Speak a da devil, mon.

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Hey

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] hey boss

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Greetings, dear Warchief.

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] is your connection any better pwn?

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] I guess we’ll find out in a minute

You whispered to [LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas]: k good

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] lol

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] has logged off.

You whispered to [Bob | Vol’jin]: i really don’t like all this sneaking around

[Guild][Bob | Vol’jin] Haha!

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] omg

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] now see, for instance, i can’t work -that- kind of magic.

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] i just deploy verbal irony; i can’t conjure it up in actual events.

[Bob | Vol’jin] whispered: Ya won’ need to much longer.

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] i swear i didnt do that!

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] has logged on.

[Bob | Vol’jin] whispered: Soon we’ll be makin’ our move.

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] UGH

[Guild][Bob | Vol’jin] Leslie! Do it again, mon!

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] WB PWN

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] i didnt do anything!

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] I take it your connection is none too improved since last time, Warchief?

[Guild][Bob | Vol’jin] You put da connection voodoo on him, mon!

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: still using the network grizzle set up for you?

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Yeah, apparently

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Also that Bob guy is rubbing me the wrong way already

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] whispered: Yeah

[Guild][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] On the topic of what you’ve been doing, Leslie, has work continued to be hectic?

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] He’d better watch it before I end up stabbing him in the neck

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: honestly, you might as well hire a couple extra tauren to send up smoke signals for your wifi

[Guild][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] You were starting to say, but ended up being sidetracked by ProfHubert.

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Speaking of me stabbing people, by the way, did you manage to get Lori straightened out?


[Guild][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] sure puff, just whisper me the name

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] ugh not really

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] If you’re referring to leadership of the guild, I think I’ve convinced him to be reasonable and pass it back

[HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] whispered: HER NAME IS LIVINGREDGIRL

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] He was quite agitated before.

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] You know, not for anything, but didn’t we used to ask people to APPLY to this guild once upon a time?

You whispered to [HonaleePuff | Kalecgos]: seriously?

[HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] whispered: ?

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] does it really matter?

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] just some office politics i’m trying to stay out of mostly

You whispered to [HonaleePuff | Kalecgos]: don’t you think that’s going to be a little confusing?

[HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] whispered: Y

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] I don’t particularly care about his moods

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] does anyone in this guild actually do anything other than sit around in guild chat?

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] has logged off.

[Guild][EdwardBear | Ji] i do!

You whispered to [HonaleePuff | Kalecgos]: because of how similar that is to LivinDeadGrl?

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] me to! just got my set bonus last night in fact

[Guild][EdwardBear | Ji] i’m level 52 now!

[Guild][Bob | Vol’jin] I mostly just hang out here in da capital cities, mon, an’ stir tings up in trade chat!

[HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] whispered: OH I DIDNT EVEN THINK OF THAT

[Lorthemar] has logged on.

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] grats eddie

[Guild][EdwardBear | Ji] hi lorthemar

[HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] whispered: SHOULD I GET HER TO REROLL?

[Guild][Bob | Vol’jin] Somebody gotta be da resident smartass in dis guild, right?

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] hi lor!

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] um, i have some bad news for you…

You whispered to [HonaleePuff | Kalecgos]: no, she already has this toon… I just hope she doesn’t get a lot of mis-tells

[Guild][Lorthemar] Greetings, all!

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] hey lor

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Hello, Lor’themar.

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] lol

You whispered to [HonaleePuff | Kalecgos]: I’ll send her an invite

[Officer][Lorthemar] Hail, Spazzle. Dark Lady.

[HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] whispered: TY

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] yea bobby, prof has seniority on you

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] if only you knew.

You have invited [LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] to the guild.

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Lor’themar, I should probably warn you straight away…

[LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] has joined the guild.

[LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] has been promoted to the rank Recruit.

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] he spends most of his time in-game making sarcastic comments to people

[Guild][Lorthemar] Welcome, LivingRedGirl!

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] welcome red!

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] has logged on.

[Guild][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] there you go!  welcome to the guild!

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] in point of fact, that’s not actually specific to in-game.

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] Thank you all

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] lol

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] wb pwn

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] So as I was saying. I don’t care if Ponytail is happy about it as long as he manages to get his panties unbunched long enough to hand over guild control

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Garrosh was just on and will likely be back momentarily, so please try to humor him.

[Bob | Vol’jin] whispered: Garrosh be runnin’ outta friends fast.

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] whispered: Oh and by the way

[Officer][Lorthemar] Hello, Garrosh…

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Oh drat. Two seconds too slow hitting return.

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Oh and LOOK who’s here now

You whispered to [Bob | Vol’jin]: yeah, but I’m *one* of his friends

[Guild][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Oh goodness, LivingRedGirl, you look almost just like me!

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] whispered: Do you want to explain to me why I never heard a word from you about the whole Mokvar fiasco?

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] Haha looks like it yes

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: um

[Officer][Lorthemar] Good evening, Warchief.

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] whispered: YES UM

[Guild][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] At any rate, Leslie…

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Yeah, yeah, good evening, good morning, happy new year, whatever

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: I guess I figured you were already getting updates from people more important than me

[Guild][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] I know office politics can be precarious, Leslie. I’m not unfamiliar with them myself.

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Are you ready to stop fucking around and put me back in place as guild leader?

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: and I was probably still hoping there would be some explanation for everything

[Officer][Lorthemar] While I still have my objections to the way you’ve been conducting yourself toward me and my people, Garrosh…

[Bob | Vol’jin] whispered: Ya ever stop ta ask yaself why, mon?

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] whispered: At this point I don’t particularly CARE about why

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] mostly just a coworker trying to drag me into his conflicts

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Or am I going to have to smack a bitch up first?

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: look, I understand why you’re doing what you’re doing

[Officer][Lorthemar] …case in point.

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] The bitch being you, by the way

[Officer][Lorthemar] *sigh*

[Officer][Lorthemar] In any case…I don’t want to hurt the guild over our personal squabbles.

You whispered to [Bob | Vol’jin]: ugh hang on

[Guild][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Ah, interesting…

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] That’s refreshingly non-suicidal for you, Eyepatch

[Officer][Lorthemar] So, yes, here.

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: with the mokvar thing

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] has been promoted to the rank Guild Leader.

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: it’s just hard for me to accept a friend going off the deep end, is all

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] GRATS PWN

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] has logged off.

You whispered to [Bob | Vol’jin]: ok that could have been ugly

[Guild][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Is there anything particular to this conflict your coworker is trying to involve you in, Leslie?

[Guild][Bob | Vol’jin] Dis is way too entertainin’.

You whispered to [Bob | Vol’jin]: anyway, like I was saying

[Guild][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Or is it more along the lines of your typical…in-office sparring?

[Officer][Lorthemar] I almost feel bad for him.

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] i tried to warn him about getting his network set up

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] 1 SEC SHE HAD TO AFK

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] but oh no, he sees a goblin and just figures “catch-all tech genius”

[Guild][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Ah, I see. No rush.

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] since it appears most of my best sources of entertainment are away or disconnecting, i suppose i should go get some work done

You whispered to [Bob | Vol’jin]: look, I understand why you’re doing what you’re doing

[Guild][Lorthemar] Be well, ProfHubert!

[Guild][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] later prof

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] in my absence, bob, feel free to take over as interim satirist

[Guild][Bob | Vol’jin] Hah, tanks mon.

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] just try not to stage some kind of sardonic coup while i’m away

[Guild][Bob | Vol’jin] Haha, no promises, mon.

[Guild][EdwardBear | Ji] bye prof

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] has logged on.

[Guild][MrBadCrumble | Spazzle] bye prof

[ProfHubert | Faranell] has logged off.

[Guild][Bob | Vol’jin] Welcome back, mon! We missed ya!

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] WB AGAIN PWN

You whispered to [Bob | Vol’jin]: and I’m helping thrall because, well, he’s thrall, and I don’t think it’s right the way the trolls are being treated

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] Welcome back Omgipwnedurface

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] UGH UGH UGH

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] wish I could do something to fix it, chief

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Yeah, I know

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] but I think you may be kind of stuck with it until you get back or orgrimmar

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] In all honesty, Warchief, the fact that you’re having such connection difficulties at the moment may be a reason not to resume control of the guild just yet…

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] I’m not sure there’s much to be gained from a guild leader who’s unable to be online to tend to the responsibilities of leadership.

You whispered to [Bob | Vol’jin]: but that’s as far as I can go

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Yeah, I hate to say it, but you might have a point

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] And frankly it’s getting way too annoying trying to stay on

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] I can well imagine.

You whispered to [Bob | Vol’jin]: I won’t stab him in the back

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] So yeah, let me do this

[MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] has been promoted to the rank Guild Leader.

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] GRATS MRBADCRUMBLE

[Guild][Bob | Vol’jin] Hey, grats, mon!

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] Does leadership always change hands so often in the guild

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] whoa seriously?

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] NOT REALLY

[Bob | Vol’jin] whispered: Ya got ta listen to ya conscience, mon.

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] He already has control of the web site and he’s got the best handle on all the nuts and bolts

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] WELL MAYBE LATELY YEAH

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] So just as well to let him mind the shop for now

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] A wise decision, of course, sir.

[Officer][Lorthemar] Congratulations, Spazzle.

[Bob | Vol’jin] whispered: I hope it’ll let ya sleep if tings go bad.

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] whispered: Also because, even with the Mokvar thing, you’re the only one of these clowns I actually trust

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] thanks lor

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Okay, so…

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: thanks chief

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] I’m going to empty my mail just in case, and then log off here before something else pisses me off

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Of course, sir.

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] whispered: And I get why you kept quiet

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] It’s gotten quiet

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] whispered: But let me make this clear


[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] whispered: Mokvar is dead to me

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] Oh

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] whispered: And if I ever find out where he’s run off to, he’s a dead man

[Guild][Lorthemar] I know it can be a bit unnerving.

You whispered to [EdwardBear | Ji]: hey

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] whispered: Anyway…later

[EdwardBear | Ji] whispered: hi spazzle

You whispered to [EdwardBear | Ji]: you haven’t heard anything from mokvar, have you?

[Guild][Lorthemar] I wasn’t sure what to make of it myself when I first joined the guild.

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] has logged off.

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] Are you new

[EdwardBear | Ji] whispered: not since he ran off

[EdwardBear | Ji] whispered: why?

[Guild][Lorthemar] …

[Guild][EdwardBear | Ji] oh hi lorthemar

[Guild][Lorthemar] No.

You whispered to [EdwardBear | Ji]: this is bad

[Guild][EdwardBear | Ji] did you join recently?

You whispered to [EdwardBear | Ji]: this is really bad

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] Me

[EdwardBear | Ji] whispered: what?

[Guild][Lorthemar] …

[Guild][EdwardBear | Ji] no, i could swear i’ve seen you before

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] I only just joined a few minutes ago

You whispered to [EdwardBear | Ji]: you remember the recall totem I told you about?  the one he left me to hold?

[Guild][EdwardBear | Ji] lorthemar seems new though

[EdwardBear | Ji] whispered: yes

[Guild][Lorthemar] I…

[Officer][Livindeadgrl | Sylvanas] Perhaps you just have one of those faces?

[Guild][Lorthemar] I believe I need to log off and step away from the game for a bit.

You whispered to [EdwardBear | Ji]: the spirit link that a shaman makes with these totems makes them give off a green glow

[Guild][Lorthemar] It’s not good for my rage.

You whispered to [EdwardBear | Ji]: it just went out

[Guild][EdwardBear | Ji] i’m sorry if i upset you, lorthemar

[Lorthemar] has logged off.

[Guild][EdwardBear | Ji] oh bother

[EdwardBear | Ji] whispered: oh

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] back

[EdwardBear | Ji] whispered: that’s bad?

You whispered to [EdwardBear | Ji]: yeah

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] sorry

[Guild][Livindeadgrl | Sylvanas] Welcome back, Leslie.

[Guild][Livindeadgrl | Sylvanas] Now where were we?

You whispered to [EdwardBear | Ji]: the only reason the totem would go out like that is if mokvar were dead

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] sorry livindead, i cant right now

[EdwardBear | Ji] whispered: but he can just wake up again, right? like last time?

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] i just came back to say bye and log

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] theres stuff happening here rl and i need to go

You whispered to [EdwardBear | Ji]: no, not like ‘waiting for my ankh to kick in’ dead

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] and so does puffy

You whispered to [EdwardBear | Ji]: like for real dead

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] like right now

[HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] has logged off.

[EdwardBear | Ji] whispered:  oh dear

[Guild][MrBadCrumble | Spazzle] actually i need to run too

You whispered to [EdwardBear | Ji]: I need to go

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Is everything all right, Spazzle?

You whispered to [EdwardBear | Ji]: I have to check on this

[Officer][MrBadCrumble | Spazzle] no

You have logged off.


Spazzle Speaks: Parting Gifts


I usually don’t make a big deal of it, but one thing that honestly irks me a lot is when people assume that because I’m a goblin I must be friends with all the other goblins – like there’s no difference between the Bilgewater Cartel and any of the other goblin cartels. People just see “goblin” and figure I must have relatives in Ratchet, or know the guy they ran that errand for in Booty Bay. The fact of the matter is, the different goblin cartels are pretty separate a lot of the time, and having spent most of my life in Kezan prior to the Cataclysm, I hardly had any contact at all with the Steamwheedle goblins who came to settle in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms.

Funny thing, though – under the circumstances right now, that stuff probably made it a lot easier for me to sneak off to Everlook than it would be for anyone else. Even with Mokvar banished, the border patrols are still on watch and asking a lot of questions of travelers, but with me? They see goblin, hear “Everlook,” and automatically think “Oh, yeah, that must be cool.”

So I had a pretty easy time getting up there to see Mokvar. Deliana was with him, but she didn’t have too much to say. Neither did Mokvar, actually – at least not as much as I would have liked. Even when I told him about the banishment, he wouldn’t give me much of anything by way of reaction. He said something about being surprised Eitrigg would go that far, but he didn’t seem upset – if anything, he almost looked a little amused about it. Eventually he filled in a few small pieces for me, but mostly wouldn’t go into much detail. He said it wasn’t because he didn’t trust me, but because he didn’t want me to know too many things that I might have to deny later. That was fine with me, honestly. I feel like I’ve already got enough secrets to keep from Garrosh as it is.

The one thing he did fill in for me was about he and Deliana escaping Orgrimmar. He started right in with that, actually – one of the first things he did when I got there was ask if Ji was okay. Which he is, by the way. As it turns out, though, Ji knew all along what was going to happen. He and Mokvar had planned a while ago that if Mokvar were captured, Ji would gather up some supplies and come see him…and then let himself get knocked out, providing some cover for the escape in the process. I tried pressing Mokvar about getting past the guards, but he just said something about “guardian angels” and asked me to trust him.

And the thing is, despite everything that’s been happening, I do. Like Garona said the other day – when you look at everything Mokvar’s done, there are only two ways to account for it: either he has something planned that he can’t tell us about, or he’s a fool. And Mokvar being a fool…that’s just too hopelessly improbable for me to accept. So I’m choosing to trust him, until it bites me in the keister. At least now I know Ji and I are in this together. Sort of.

Also, the trust definitely isn’t one-sided. The main reason Mokvar wanted to see me was to give me something: a recall totem. It’s what we shaman use for our Astral Recall spell – we’ll attune this totem to ourselves, then keep it at home, or in some other safe location. As long as a shaman is alive, our link to the elements will let us teleport ourselves back to wherever that totem is. Mokvar gave me his and asked me to keep it safe. He said that when this was over, he would need a way to bring himself home, but in safe surroundings. Among friends. He considered leaving it with Ji, but he figured an extra totem would be less conspicuous with me since I’m a shaman too.

It still feels pretty conspicuous to me, though. But that’s probably just my imagination. It’s set out on my mantle now – among a bunch of other elemental odds and ends that I’m hoping will all blend around it, even though to me the recall totem is sticking out like a sore thumb. Still, I’m sure – I hope – that nobody other than me will think anything of it. So there it is, giving off that living green glow, with that blinking green light on top. Waiting for its chance to call Mokvar back home, after the world has finished dragging him back into his past.



[Header image provided by Angelya from Revive and Rejuvenate, used here with permission and many thanks.]


Spazzle Speaks: Tell Hell


You have logged on.

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] i’m pretty sure ur wrong

[Guild][EdwardBear | Ji] hi mrbad

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] I’LL GO GET MY COPY SO WE CAN CHECK

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] i’m quite sure i’m not.

[Guild][Lor’themar] Greetings, MrBadcrumble!

You whispered to [EdwardBear | Ji]: hey ji – you feeling ok?

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] no sweetie u dont have to

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] hi MBC

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Ah, Spazzle, I’m glad to see you on. I’d like to discuss something with you when you have a free moment.

[EdwardBear | Ji] whispered: yes, i think i’ll be ok

[Guild][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] hey everyone

[Nightengayle | Garona] whispered: have you heard anything about mokvar?

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] ugh well now hes flown off

You whispered to [Nightengayle | Garona]: not a thing

[EdwardBear | Ji] whispered: just a little sore.

You whispered to [Nightengayle | Garona]: why?  is there news?

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] sure

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] oh hi baddie i didnt see u come on

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] do we have more IPs to trace or something?

You whispered to [EdwardBear | Ji]: well that’s good

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] No no, nothing quite so technical.

[Nightengayle | Garona] whispered: not that I know of

[Guild][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] how’s it going, leslie?

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] not bad

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] huh, really?

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] same ol same ol really

You whispered to [EdwardBear | Ji]: well if you need anything let me know

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] You sound surprised.

[LamontCranston] whispered: Hi there.

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] well, after a while you kind of get used to it when people only want to talk to you because they can’t get their printer to work

You whispered to [LamontCranston] hi

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] OK HERE WE GO

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] SHERMAN’S CODEX RIGHT?

You whispered to [Nightengayle | Garona]: at this point I don’t think anything would surprise me, though

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] True… I suppose it comes with being one of the few tech literates in the cohort.

[Nightengayle | Garona] whispered: I know, right?

[Guild][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] what are you guys doing?

[LamontCranston] whispered: Are you busy?

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] volume 2, yes.

You whispered to [Nightengayle | Garona]: honestly I don’t understand what Mokvar could be thinking

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] THERES A VOLUME 2?

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] you get used it mostly

You whispered to [LamontCranston]: a little

You whispered to [LamontCranston]: were you interested in the guild?

[Nightengayle | Garona] whispered: that’s the thing, though

[EdwardBear | Ji] whispered: thanks, i will

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] sorry if I’m slow

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] prof here is trying to tell me there’s teleportation magic that would let someone blink all the way to other worlds

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] trying to juggle a bunch of tells

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Oh I can sympathize.

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] not that there ARE such spells, just that there’s a theoretical basis for them being possible, based on the distorted curvature of space surrounding high velocity blinking.

You whispered to [Nightengayle | Garona]: what is?

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] and now we’re going to look it up and prove him wrong

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] I’m fielding quite a few myself. Mostly from Lor’themar…I could swear, no sooner do I click back over to officer chat than his whisper tab lights up again.

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] what’s going on?

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] once we get volume 2…

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] it should be on the shelf below where you got that one.

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Something or other with Garrosh and his demands. I’m not sure exactly.

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] faded, dark red cover.

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] fourth book from the left.

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] OK ON IT BRB

[LamontCranston] whispered: No, Spaz, it’s me.

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] how do u know that?

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] don’t let me interrupt if you’re talking to him

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] i have a very good memory.

[LamontCranston] whispered: Mokvar.

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] wait, how are you not sure if he’s going on and on about it?

You whispered to [LamontCranston]: dksjghksdyhgd

[Nightengayle | Garona] whispered: for him to do all these things he’s been doing… killing the dwarf in ironforge, the deal with magatha, everything…

[Nightengayle | Garona] whispered: KNOWING I was watching him .. and I know he knew…

[EdwardBear | Ji] has logged off.

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] No, it’s fine. I’m really just tabbing over every few lines and giving him a “right” or an “I can see how that would be frustrating” or an “I don’t blame you at all for being upset.”

[Nightengayle | Garona] whispered: he would have to be an idiot

[LamontCranston] whispered: Now before you go tabbing over to do an IP trace, I’m routing through a proxy server to log on.

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] huh

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] isn’t that kind of risky?

[Nightengayle | Garona] whispered: and if there’s one thing we both know about mokvar, its that he’s not an idiot

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] OK NOW WE’RE IN BUSINESS

You whispered to [Nightengayle | Garona]: yeah

You whispered to [Nightengayle | Garona]: no kidding

You whispered to [Nightengayle | Garona]: 1 sec

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] you have volume 2?

[Nightengayle | Garona] whispered: kk

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] yea

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] I mean, how do you know what he just said was about being upset and frustrated?

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] I’ve known Lor’themar a long time.

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] now i just have to find the part about long-distance blinking

You whispered to [LamontCranston]: hang on, since when do YOU know how to mask IPs??

You whispered to [LamontCranston]: and are you crazy?  what the hell are you doing??

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] page 273.

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] WOW REALLY?

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] ok looking, hang on

[LamontCranston] whispered: Deliana called in a couple favors to set it up.

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] right-hand column.

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] under the diagram.

[LamontCranston] whispered: I just needed to get on for a minute to talk to you.

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] HOW DO YOU REMEMBER THAT?

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] like i said, i have a good memory.

You whispered to [LamontCranston]: mokvar, you have to be careful – garona’s on and she was JUST asking about you

[LamontCranston] whispered: I saw her on. I whispered her with a dollar-spam ad and got her auto-ignore.

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] sorry i’m going all quiet – trying to fix a bunch of things here

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] ok here we go, see it says it wouldn’t work

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] “blinking beyond azerothian gravitational bounds would prove impractical due to drag produced by the blinking subject’s carried mass.”

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] blinking beyond azerothian gravity would be impractical

[Nightengayle | Garona] whispered: hey spazzle, I know you’re probably still busy there

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Quite all right. As it happens, Lor’themar is growing needy even by Lor’themarian standards. I’m finding myself having to pay attention to some of his prattling.

[Nightengayle | Garona] whispered: I need to get going

You whispered to [LamontCranston]: what are you even doing on here?

[Nightengayle | Garona] whispered: I’m leaving for pandaria in the morning and I need to finish packing

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] right.

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] is he still upset?

[Nightengayle | Garona] whispered: I’ll talk to you later

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] keep reading.

[LamontCranston] whispered: Like I said, I wanted to talk to you.

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Insofar as he hasn’t spontaneously ceased to be Lor’themar, yes.

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] oh

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] OH

[LamontCranston] whispered: I only have a minute, though.

[Nightengayle | Garona] has logged off.

You whispered to [LamontCranston]: ok…

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] “this obstacle could in theory be overcome by a dispersion of the grounding mass along the blinking vector via a highly concentrated arcane field”

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] oh…wow

[LamontCranston] whispered: You’re on the short list of people I feel like I can trust, and like I said, I need to talk to you.

[LamontCranston] whispered: But not here.

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] which yes, we don’t know how to do yet.

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] but we’re talking theory here.

[LamontCranston] whispered: Meet me in Everlook in two days.

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] that’s really impressive you knew that

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] i read a lot.

User is not logged on.

User is not logged on.

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] yea but sherman’s codex volume 2?

[Guild][Proudleslie | Jaina] that would be so far down on my reading list i would probably never get to it

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] actually, I need to get off of here for a little while

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] heh, kids.  ;o)

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] I know you wanted to talk to me about something – can we catch up later?

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] That’s fine.

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] HEY I’M THOUSANDS OF YEARS OLD

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] If it’s easier, I can e-mail you about it as well.

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] ok, sounds good

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] yes, and?

You have logged off.


Spazzle Speaks: Refugee


I swear the Mokvar situation keeps getting more unreal. Latest news: Mokvar and Deliana have escaped, and right now nobody knows where they are.

It gets extra weird when you hear how it happened. Ji Firepaw went to visit Mokvar at his house. After he’d been inside a few minutes, the guards standing watch outside heard noises and went in to check. They found Mokvar and Deliana standing over Ji – who was unconscious on the floor. As soon as the guards were inside, Mokvar hexed one of them. We’re not sure what happened to the other guard – she just reports blacking out for a few minutes, and when she came to, Mokvar and Deliana were both gone.

Ji wasn’t hurt badly. He’s a little black and blue from taking one good blow on the head, but it’s nothing that won’t heal up quickly enough. He says he was just going to visit Mokvar and bring him a few things – some snacks, I guess, since among the pandaren one of the highest displays of friendship is the gift of food – but once he was there, Mokvar and Deliana suddenly turned on him.

I know. It doesn’t make much sense to me, either.

Eitrigg was already at his wit’s end over Mokvar, and when word got to him about this…well, let’s just say I’m glad I wasn’t actually there. Rumor is that this latest piece of news made him go positively Garrosh. And here’s the other thing – I can understand why Eitrigg would be angry, obviously, but I still wouldn’t have expected him to respond the way he has. I would have figured he’d send out search teams to hunt down Mokvar, put a bounty on his capture…maybe even issue a declaration that he’s a criminal at large and wanted for crimes against the Horde. As it turns out, as of this morning, all of those options have been bypassed in favor for the one last step that – in orc culture, anyway – pretty much the worst penalty possible.

By order of Eitrigg, under the authority granted him by the Warchief in absentia, Mokvar has been banished from the Horde.



[Header image provided by Khizzara from Blog of the Treant, used here with permission and many thanks.]


Spazzle Speaks: Homecoming


Mokvar is back in Orgrimmar.

That much isn’t a surprise. The thought never would have occurred to me that he wouldn’t be back.

I just never would have expected this to be the way it happened.

Mokvar was captured in the Barrens by Krog and a security team. After word came back from Garona that Mokvar had met with Magatha Grimtotem, Eitrigg issued orders that he wanted him brought in. Mokvar and his human friend Deliana were found heading toward Ratchet, and were apprehended without much of a struggle.

I was able to poke into Grommash Hold when I saw the guards arrive with them, although I wasn’t able to stick around to see everything before I was ushered back out again. No surprise, Eitrigg was absolutely livid – he was upset enough about the allegations from Ironforge, but this new development with Magatha on top of it was more than even his temper could stand.

I’m nowhere near as good as Mokvar at recording conversations, so I’m not going to be able to provide an account of what I heard as well as he could. “What are you doing?” and “What are you thinking?” featured pretty prominently for Eitrigg early on, and I distinctly remember him going off along the lines of “You realize we’ll have to report all this to Garrosh, and when he hears half of it, it will be a miracle if we’re not able to hear him screaming all the way from Pandaria.” He kept trying to get Mokvar to explain himself somehow – he kept pointing out that they’d served together for years under Garrosh and Thrall, that he wanted there to be some reason that could account for the way Mokvar’s been acting lately. Mokvar wouldn’t give him anything. He would just shrug and pass on every question. “I would prefer not to,” or something like that.

I wasn’t there for everything that was said, but here’s where things stand, from what I’ve gathered: Mokvar is being held in what amounts to house arrest. He’s confined in his home with Kor’kron guards posted at all times – partly to make sure no new attackers reach him, but mostly to make sure he doesn’t go anywhere. Deliana is being held in “protective custody” pending transport back to Alliance territory.

Meanwhile, Garona is planning to join the next troop transport leaving for Pandaria next week to report everything that’s happened to Garrosh personally. Considering what she’s going to be reporting…I hope she goes in ready to pop Evasion.


Spazzle Speaks: Charges from Dun Morogh


Hi, everyone. Spazzle here again. I’m writing to give a quick update on things here in Orgrimmar. The thing is, the biggest news here in Orgrimmar doesn’t really have anything to do with Orgrimmar, and the news is going to be sketchy at best, since most of what I know consists of rumors and fragments. But, here we go.

Most of you probably know that about a week-plus ago, Mokvar left under diplomatic cover to go to Ironforge. As far as I know, he didn’t tell anyone exactly what he was planning to do there, but he seemed pretty convinced that it had something to do with the recent attacks against him. Nobody had heard anything from him after he left. Actually, we still haven’t.

According to the rumors coming in, though, Mokvar reached Ironforge several days ago. And while he was there…well…they say he killed a dwarf named Theldren. Nobody really knows more than that – just that Mokvar turned up in Ironforge, was seen getting into it with Theldren, and then Theldren turned up dead. If I remember right, the dwarf used to be part of the same mercenary group as Mokvar, so I don’t understand why Mokvar would want to kill an old friend. But I figure that much has got to be true, considering that the dwarves are up in arms over it, especially Moira Thaurissan — not least of all because of the diplomatic banner Mokvar was traveling under.

Eitrigg is pretty much outraged. He’s disavowed to the dwarves any knowledge of what Mokvar was doing, and internally he’s having Krog start working on figuring out what’s become of Mokvar. I’m guessing Mokvar still has Garona shadowing him too, but she hasn’t checked in for a while, so no help finding him there.

Honestly, I don’t even know what to hope for. On the one hand, if we find Mokvar, we might finally find out what’s going on, and believe me, I’d like for this to make sense as much as anyone does. But on the other hand, if we do find him…well… No. Never mind. No matter what he might have done, Mokvar’s still a friend.  I don’t want to think about what might end up happening to him.

I just hope he knows what he’s doing, wherever he is.


Spazzle Speaks: Shamans United!

trollmasksHi everyone, Spazzle here. There’s been a lot going on, and I’ve been meaning to post for a little while now, but…well, there’s been a lot going on so I haven’t had the chance to until now.

As I’d said the last time I posted, after the news about Vol’jin reached Orgrimmar, everybody was in a state of shock for a while, and some of the Kor’kron were sent down to the Echo Isles to make sure everything was secure there. I remember Eitrigg seeming less than thrilled about that for some reason, but I didn’t think too much of it at the time.

Still, I was concerned about how everyone was doing down there. I have a couple friends from the comic shop in Razor Hill who live on the Echo Isles, and I figured that they must have been pretty shaken up by everything. So last week, after I hadn’t heard from them in a little while, I decided to take a trip down and see how they were doing.

You will never guess who I ran into on the way down.


Now, I can’t say I was ever very close to Thrall personally, but I definitely owe him a debt or two after he helped save the Bilgewater Cartel after we left Kezan. Not to mention, he’s the one who first started training me as a shaman way back when. (I changed the subject when he asked how that was coming along. No need for him to know that my mechanical totems short-circuit nearby appliances nearly as often as they summon up the elements.) So, as much as Garrosh is my friend and I know the two of them don’t always see eye to eye, I’m very pro-Thrall.

Or pro-Go’el. I’m not too clear on which one he’s going by these days.

Anyway, he was on his way to the Echo Isles from the Valley of Trials, along with a few Horde adventurers who had just returned from Pandaria. He didn’t go into a lot of detail, but I guess he was concerned that there was some kind of trouble for the trolls in the aftermath of Vol’jin’s death. He invited me to come with them, and since I was already concerned about my troll friends down there, naturally I took him up on his offer.

When we arrived at the Echo Isles, there were Kor’kron guards posted all around the perimeter of the island, and patrols marching around all over, without any Darkspear soldiers anywhere to be seen among the defenders. Which struck me as kind of odd, obviously. Not to mention the fact that the Kor’kron all seemed to be in a pretty foul mood.


Still, there was a Kor’kron officer along the main road, and Thrall went up to talk to him. I figured between Thrall’s diplomatic skills, and the fact that he’s…you know…Thrall, he should be able to clear things up pretty quickly.


Hmm. Okay, so much for that.

We made our way into the city from there, and it was a pretty shocking sight – the Kor’kron weren’t protecting the trolls, they were maintaining an occupation! The trolls were rounded up, disarmed, supervised by the Kor’kron, and lots of them were even chained up.


I don’t even want to think what Saurfang would say if he knew this was going on.

Thrall wasn’t happy that it had come to this, but he decided we had to free the Darkspear from the occupation. So the handful of us went around the island and, little by little, helped the trolls neutralize the Kor’kron guards. Mostly that meant “disarm and capture,” but, well… <sigh> You know.


Once we had control of most of the island, we headed to Darkspear Hold, where that warlock Gul’tar, one of Malkorok’s lieutenants, had taken charge of the city and was running things from Vol’jin’s old command center. Thrall tried to get him to stand down, but he wouldn’t budge. Gul’tar ended up ranting about the Horde changing and Vol’jin refusing to change with it, and that’s why he died – that didn’t really make sense to me, considering the reports that Vol’jin had died in a saurok attack – and attacked Thrall. Thrall and the Darkspear were able to beat him without too much trouble.

Now, the question is, what next? Thrall wasn’t sure where we go from here, but he said he would stay on the Echo Isles to help the trolls keep a handle on things until…well, I’m not really supposed to go into that. That’s one of the details Thrall said we all needed to keep quiet for the time being.


Hmm… Although…come to think of it…I suppose this whole story would be filed under “Things Thrall Wants You to Keep Quiet.” So maybe I shouldn’t have just blogged about it. Oh well. Just make sure you all keep this hush-hush.

At least there’s still that one last detail that I can be good about keeping secret.

Even as juicy and awesome as it is.

Anyway…ahem…since I won’t be talking about that, I guess I’ll wrap this up for now. I’ll try to post again if anything else big happens around here.












[Header image provided by Rioriel from Postcards From Azeroth; click here to see the souped-up Postcard version! All other images provided by Khizzara from Blog of the Treant. All images used here with permission and many thanks.]


Spazzle Speaks: Darkspear Edition


Big news just came in from Pandaria, and there’s really no good way to say it, so here goes.

Vol’jin is dead.

He was on a mission investigating a cave with Rak’gor Bloodrazor, Grizzle Gearslip, and a detachment of Kor’kron, when they were ambushed by saurok marauders. Before the group could fend off the saurok, Vol’jin had been killed. Word is that Rak’gor Bloodrazor died in the fight as well.

The news broke in Orgrimmar earlier today, and as you can probably imagine, people are freaking out over it. Especially in the Valley of Spirits. Eitrigg has ordered flags flown at half mast over the next week.

I’m not sure who’s going to take over at the Echo Isles. I was never too clear about Darkspear rules of succession, to be honest. In the meantime, while everyone sorts out what happens next, the Kor’kron are sending a unit led by Gul’tar down to the Echo Isles to maintain order and guard against any moves by the Alliance to take advantage of the instability.

At least that’s how they’re explaining it. Who knows what’s actually going on. All I know at this point is I’ve got a bad feeling about this.


Spazzle Speaks: Here We Go Again


Hi, everyone. Spazzle again. Still no word from Garrosh, but hopefully his voyage to Pandaria is going okay. For all we know, he might be there and just having trouble getting his internet going. Or he has his internet up and working fine, and he forgot how to turn his computer on. Again.

Mokvar got back to Orgrimmar today after his trip to Winterspring with Ji. I’m not sure what’s going on with him, but I’m getting kind of worried. When he and Ji got back, they were both fairly bruised and singed — nothing too severe, but they had obviously been in a fight. The weird part is that neither of them seemed willing to talk about what happened. I tried asking about it, but they were both really evasive. I really don’t understand why.

Things haven’t gotten any better since they’ve been back in Orgrimmar. I talked to Krog a little while ago. You might remember, before Garrosh left he asked Krog to conduct his own investigation of the attack where Mokvar was unsuccessfully killed (and how’s that for a weirdly accurate turn of phrase?). Well, Krog was over at Mokvar’s place earlier, and intercepted another attack. Another shadowy figure cloaked in darkness, only this time, instead of poofing away to nowhere when the fight started to go badly, it hung in there until it…well…not poofed away, but sort of fizzled out into nothing. Sort of the way a ghost would.

Still no explanation of who this is or where they’ve come from, or how this time they were able to get into Mokvar’s house even with a Kor’kron guard standing watch outside, but I’m glad we’ve got Krog working on this. I don’t know how much I trust Malkorok’s people these days. I’ll try to keep everyone posted if we find anything new.



[Header image provided by Khizzara from Blog of the Treant, used here with permission and many thanks.]