Daily Archives: January 22, 2012

An Invitation of Sorts


Citizens of the Horde,

It has been brought to my attention that one of Warchief Hellscream’s frequent activities on this forum was to respond directly to messages sent to him by you, his readers. I find myself increasingly impressed with the Warchief’s devotion to his people, which would drive him to engage so directly with your concerns and interests. While I make no pretense that I shall provide nearly the insight or inspiration that Warchief Hellscream doubtlessly did routinely, I wish to encourage you to continue your custom of writing in with your thoughts and questions. It is my understanding that these messages typically are sent through a new mechanical form called “e-mail,” which I am told is much faster and less cumbersome than conventional letters. The technologically dexterous goblin Spazzle Fizzletrinket assures me that he is able to access these messages on my behalf through the Warchief’s “e-mail account,” and will be able to provide paper copies to me for response. I will do my best to answer your questions as forthrightly as due prudence allows, and will of course give your thoughts the weight and consideration they are due.

I look forward to our future correspondence.




[Quick editorial note from Mokvar. Granted, Saurfang isn’t really up on current internet tech, but even taking that into account, the guy seriously is pretty badass. He’d been away in Northrend for so long I’d forgotten what it’s like to have him around. You know all those factoids you hear about him online? They’re mostly true. No joke. Like here’s one I saw with my own eyes back during the Qiraji War: Saurfang was once bitten by a venomous snake. After several days of excruciating pain, the snake died. –Mkvr., ed.]