Tag Archives: azshara

Everyone has a price


Well, I just got back from Azshara. Operation Blackfuse is a go.

I went up this morning, just me and Malkorok. I wanted to keep this pretty hush-hush, and have a minimal number of people involved. Mokvar was definitely out, what with him being busy working on Neeru Firelade these days, and besides, I don’t know if this was exactly a meeting I would want an official record of.

On the other hand… we ARE talking about cutting a deal with a goblin. And an extra fast-talking one at that. And considering how shifty goblins can get about their fine print sometimes…

OH DAMMIT. I swear to fuck, one of these days I’m going to stop biting myself in the damn ass.


I headed up to Bilgewater Harbor with Malkorok in tow — he insisted on coming with me for security purposes, just in case I needed some backup. Of course, that brilliant plan of his kind of went up in smoke once we actually GOT there, and placed Blackfuse’s super-secret retarded-ass lunch order, and Blackfuse’s flunky Fizz Lighter turned up to teleport us over. The going-up-in-smoke taking the form of said flunky porting ME into Blackfuse’s lair, but not Malk. Which, you know, kind of defeated the point of me bringing a fucking bodyguard. I tell you, he really does get the job most of the time, but sometimes I wonder about that guy. Not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Evidently, though, that’s standard operating procedure for Blackfuse — only letting the crucial people port over to his place and not just giving a blanket invitation to any guests they might have brought with them. Which I guess I can understand, seeing as if you’re running a secret underground operation, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to let somebody come parading into your pad with a bunch of armed guards. Not good for security, and for that matter, it doesn’t necessarily leave you a very good negotiating position when you and your handful of goons are outnumbered. Still annoying from my vantage point, mind you, but I get it.

Anyhow, Blackfuse had himself one damn impressive underground lair. All kinds of gadgets and gizmos all over the place, and this crazy souped-up trike, and also some gigantic copper piece sitting out on display for decoration, although I’m still not sure what was up with that. OH but seriously, dude, you would not BELIEVE the gaming rig that guy has. Gigantic high-res display, stereo speakers, one of those snazzy gaming keyboards, all set up around this fucking AWESOME recliner. I hopped onto Earth Online for a few minutes while I was there, because I just HAD to see how it looked on that screen of his, and DAMN. And did I mention the chair? Crazy comfy with buttons and shit built into the armrests to control some of his gadgets. Seriously, I could fucking LIVE here. Which I guess is kind of the point, seeing as Blackfuse DOES pretty much live there. Still, I’ve definitely got to work on my own man-cave after seeing that shit. Or Warchief-cave. Something like that. I’ll come up with a suitable name for it later.

Anyway, Blackfuse was already getting on my good side with the snazzy toys and shit, and once we had a chance to go over more practical military projects, dude didn’t disappoint. I brought a pack with me with a bunch of schematics of the equipment we’re working with right now, and Blackfuse was full of ideas for how we could soup it up or move to a whole new-and-improved wave of tech. I’m not going to go into detail here for security reasons, plus why spoil all the surprises that everyone gets to look forward to? I seriously can’t wait to see the look on Nazgrim’s face when he sees some of this shit he’s going to get to play with.

So, the up side: yeah, I think we’re in business. Now for the down side. HOLY FUCKING SHIT that guy doesn’t work for cheap. I mean, I get it, he’s a goblin, and a businessman, and he’s looking to make money, that’s all cool, but FUCKING HELL, dude, I’ve BEEN to an auction house before, I KNOW there’s not that much of a markup on seaformium!

So evidently, Blackfuse thought it was a cool idea to try to price-gouge me, and don’t get me wrong, I was totally ready to pay the guy, but COME THE FUCK ON. Luckily, I came prepared with a counteroffer he couldn’t rightly refuse. Remember that pack I mentioned bringing, with the schematics and shit? Well, I also took the precaution of packing a bunch of shaman recall totems to take with me.

For those of you not in the know, recall totems are these totems that shaman bind part of their spirit to, so that they can basically summon themselves to the totem later. Usually, shaman attune themselves to a totem that they set up in their home so they can pop on back there, but figured it might be handy to bring a few along. So that, at a pre-set time, if they hadn’t received word otherwise, Overseer Elaglo and Xorenth and a couple of their acolytes could use their attunements to those totems to POOF themselves right on over, right next to me.

Oh, and hey, while they were at it, they might as well all pack a few totems each, too, so some MORE of their shaman friends could pop on over and we could have a roarin’ ol’ shaman party while we were at it. And so between the couple dozen shaman we suddenly had in attendance, and the bunch of flame hounds they summoned to come join us — because who doesn’t like to bring their dog along for a fun time, am I right? — well, go figure, all of a sudden Blackfuse’s asking price started coming way the fuck DOWN.

See? Who says I’m not a good contract negotiator? You just have to know how to talk to people.

We’ve got a plan in place now, and Blackfuse is going to come to Orgrimmar in a few weeks to go over logistics. Barring something stupid happening — which I know you never can assume around these parts, unfortunately — we should be good to go.

More soon.


Spazzle Speaks: Refer a Friend


Things have been quiet for a few days, thank goodness. Garrosh has been busy with whatever he does in Grommash Hold. Mokvar has been busy down in Ragefire Chasm. Ji’s been busy with…well, I’m not really sure what Ji’s been busy with, but I figure he must be busy, since he hasn’t raided my fridge in a while. So as long as he’s doing okay I guess that’s a good thing.

Anyhow, all the quiet time just means I have some free time to spend gaming.


You have logged on.

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] So its like a patch

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] YAH

[Officer][Bartleby | Mokvar] Hey Spazzle

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] hey

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] well, kind of

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] but different

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Good afternoon, Spazzle

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] hi mbc

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] How

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] BIGGER PRETTY MUCH

[Guild][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] hey gayle

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] yea, much much bigger, plus the expansions are when they make all the big changes to things

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] What kinds of things

[Guild][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] hey everyone

[Guild][SteveKravitz | Utvoch] gaahh!

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] new abilities for your class

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] or sometimes they revise how your class works

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] HI MR

[Guild][GilbertRose | Dontrag] so close!

[Guild][Bartleby | Mokvar] And usually break it.

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] so what’s been going on?

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] Hello MrBadCrumble

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Not terribly much, really.

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] MORE LEVELS TOO

[Guild][MargoLane] not really, guys, but it’s ok

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] yea that too bart

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] A friend of Mokvar’s just joined the guild.

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] Oh no I hope they dont break mine

[Guild][MargoLane] let’s just start it up again

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] She’s running something with…well, the braintrust.

[Guild][GilbertRose | Dontrag] ok

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] I take it everyone’s heard?

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] oh cool

[Guild][Bartleby | Mokvar] Don’t even get me started on how badly they messed up my recipes when they introduced Lactose Intolerance.

[Guild][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] I wouldn’t worry about that, red

[Guild][SteveKravitz | Utvoch] i’m starting it

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] More levels??

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] About the expansion? Yes.

You whispered to [Bartleby | Mokvar]: a friend of yours?

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] I think they said they were getting rid of that next expansion

[Guild][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] You’re still learning your class so it probably won’t be too big of a change

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Everyone’s been talking about it off and on as the information has come out.

You whispered to [Bartleby | Mokvar]: who’s that?

[Guild][Bartleby | Mokvar] Oh thank the spirits.

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] YAH THE NEW MAX LEVEL IS GOING TO BE 70

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] 70???

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] yeah I’ve been streaming the coverage in the background

[Bartleby | Mokvar] whispered: Who do you think?

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] THAT’S WHAT THEY SAID

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] But I havent gotten to 60 yet!

You whispered to [Bartleby | Mokvar]: lol

[Officer][Bartleby | Mokvar] I’m surprised you didn’t go to EarthCon this year, actually, Spaz.

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] don’t worry, red, you still have plenty of time

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] the expansion won’t be for months yet

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] Oh okay

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] eh, well, those zep tickets aren’t cheap

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] probably longer

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] YAH IT’S NOT GOING TO BE ANY TIME SOON

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] besides, when tickets were going on sale, I was kinda busy with more important things

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] like trying to figure out if my friend was actually dead

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] They didn’t say when it’s going to be

[Officer][Bartleby | Mokvar] Oh

[Officer][Bartleby | Mokvar] Right

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] has logged on.

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] “soon”

[Officer][Bartleby | Mokvar] Um, sorry

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] SOON

[Guild][Bartleby | Mokvar] “Soon”™

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you’re NOT dead

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] And that’s not

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Greetings, dear Warchief.

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] just, y’know… earthcon!

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] Well

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] Soon?

You whispered to [MargoLane]: so, I guess I know you?

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Hey

[Guild][Bartleby | Mokvar] No.

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] nope

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Huh. What’s soon?

[MargoLane] whispered: lol, hi spazzle

[Officer][Bartleby | Mokvar] Hey, boss.

[Guild][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] not usually

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] hi pwn

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] This game is very confusing at times

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] oh hey boss

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] HELLO OMGIPWNEDURFACE

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] new expansion

[Officer][Bartleby | Mokvar] Didn’t you say you had some meeting in Azshara today, Garrosh?

You whispered to [MargoLane]: keeping an eye on Mokvar here too? hehe

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] WOW THATS HARD TO TYPE

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] LOL

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Oh shit, they announced it?

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] The new expansion?

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] huh? what’s in azshara?

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] YAH

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] yea, they did the announcement this morning

[MargoLane] whispered: eh, mostly just a way to pass the time

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Oh come now, Spazzle, you of all people should know what’s in Azshara.

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] info’s been leaking out little by little all day

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Damn, I missed it

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Considering how much of it your kin have blown up.

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] So what’s it going to be?

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] hey hey hey

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] okay yeah alright

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] TIME TRAVEL

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] at least we don’t make places glow green when we move in :-/

[MargoLane] whispered: plus from the way mok talks about them, it sounds like dontrag and utvoch can use as much help with their cashiering as they can get

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] “back to the future”

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] It seems like a Caverns of Time inspired story

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] I suspect that several irradiated former lab sites would beg to differ.

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] …

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] yeah yeah fine

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] …What?

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] lol

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] I THOUGHT OF THAT TOO RED

You whispered to [MargoLane]: what are you doing with them?

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] i know, right?

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] Do you suppose they consulted with Nozdormu about it

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] So hang on, are they screwing with me or what?

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] IDK

[Officer][Bartleby | Mokvar] Nope.

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] but anyway, that’s why I was wondering

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Time travel

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] The fuck?

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] I had much the same reaction at first, to be honest, Warchief.

[MargoLane] whispered: just taking them through some trade school scenarios and giving them pointers

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Fucking hell…

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] so I guess the way it’s going to work

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] if you were going to azshara, maybe I know some people up there

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] is we’re going to go back in time to key moments in earth history

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] I think it’ll be pretty interesting to see some of those events we’ve been hearing about

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] not sure yet if we’re trying to change what happens

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Yeah, maybe, I wanted to keep this fairly hush hush until I saw how things were going to go

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] or, yea, if we’re doing the noz thing

You whispered to [MargoLane]: how’s it coming along?

[Guild][GilbertRose | Dontrag] dammit

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] WHAT DO YOU MEAN

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] LOL

[Guild][SteveKravitz | Utvoch] ugggghhhhh

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Fuck

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] you know

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Yeah, it’s official

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] I just mean all the lore events that we read about in the quests

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] yea, what she said

[MargoLane] whispered: slowly

[Officer][Bartleby | Mokvar] How what was going to go?

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] NOZ

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] They are seriously running out of ideas

[Guild][MargoLane] ok ok come on you two

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] Or in those books that you can click on to read more about the world

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] you know, like

[Guild][MargoLane] another try

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] LOL HE HATES WHEN PEOPLE CALL HIM THAT

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Oh, clandestine undertakings. How intriguing!

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] the world wars

You whispered to [MargoLane]: haha, well good luck

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] Ahem, Honalee…

[Guild][MargoLane] let’s try actually using the register this time

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] the french revolution

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] the fall of rome

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Fucking time travel…

[Guild][SteveKravitz | Utvoch] ok

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Intriguing primarily, of course, because I would know nothing of such things.

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] OH

[Guild][GilbertRose | Dontrag] ok good idea

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] that kind of thing

[MargoLane] whispered: lol thanks

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] I MEAN SO I’VE HEARD

[Guild][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] huh, that reminds me, I still need to find one more of those books for the achievement

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] I’m meeting with a goblin engineer who might start working on improving the ol’ arsenal

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] OH WOW YOU READ THOSE

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] huh, who is it? I might know them

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] You dont

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] NO

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] So is it those three events specifically, or what?

[Officer][Bartleby | Mokvar] How’s it looking?

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Good so far

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] Do you mean the books or the quests

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] EITHER

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] they said there were a bunch of events we were going to interact with

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] He already has some preliminary designs that he could rework for our purposes pretty easily

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] those were just a few examples

[Officer][Bartleby | Mokvar] Are you going back to meet with him again?

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] You don’t read the quests

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] Really

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] they said there were going to be others

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] LOL NO

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] No, I think I’m going to get everything wrapped up while I’m here

[Officer][Bartleby | Mokvar] Oh, you’re still up there?

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] Arent you supposed to

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] What are we supposed to be doing, though?

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] how are you getting online?

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] I’m connecting from Blackfuse’s place


[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] He’s got a really sweet gaming setup here

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] that’s what I’m trying to figure out

[Officer][Bartleby | Mokvar] Oh nice.

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] wait, blackfuse?

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] they haven’t made it very clear

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] Wouldn’t we have to be trying to preserve history, if it’s based on the Caverns of Time

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] well

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] He’s got this whole underground headquarters under the mountains with computer equipment like you wouldn’t believe

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] we don’t know if that’s what they’re going for, though


[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Yeah, that’s him

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] blackfuse as in HELIX blackfuse?

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Yeah, that would be pretty damn lame if they try to build an expansion out of us going back in time and changing history

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Goodness, a subterranean lair within which all manner of unspeakable endeavors might secretly be pursued? What -will- they think of next.

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] I agree pwn but you never know

[Guild][GilbertRose | Dontrag] wtf

[Officer][Bartleby | Mokvar] You’d be surprised.

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] You know him?

[Guild][SteveKravitz | Utvoch] dammit this thing cheats

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] If we change history though wouldn’t that undo what our characters are doing now

[MargoLane] whispered: fyi, your friends are idiots

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] you’re hiring him?

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Did you just nod off the last few minutes and miss the whole conversation?

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] see that’s exactly what I’m trying to figure out, red

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Yes, I’m hiring him

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] I mean, I’m not sure what they’re going to do either way

[Guild][MargoLane] it’s okay, guys, we’ll try some more tomorrow

You whispered to [MargoLane]: you need to be more specific

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] because if we change history, how do they get around undoing everything that’s happened since

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: boss, you really really don’t want to

[Guild][SteveKravitz | Utvoch] ok thanks

[Guild][MargoLane] read those links i gave you

[Officer][Bartleby | Mokvar] One word of advice, boss, try not to let him talk you into a payment plan

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: for real

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] unless they set it up somehow so that changing the past doesn’t change the present

[Officer][Bartleby | Mokvar] The interest is where they really get you.

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] And then what would even be the point

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] whispered: And I don’t want to, because…?

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] right exactly

[Guild][MargoLane] meanwhile i think i’m going to log

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] All I’m gonna say about this, for the last time

[MargoLane] whispered: lol

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] but then also if we go back and have to change things

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: I know he’s probably rolling out some really impressive-looking tech, and he’s definitely crazy smart, but believe me, you don’t want to get mixed up with him

[ProfHubert | Faranell] has logged on.

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] well they only change because we went back, right?

[Guild][MargoLane] i need a drink

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] Right

[Guild][GilbertRose | Dontrag] k bye margo

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] is FUCKING TIME TRAVEL

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] but then we get back to the present and we don’t have a reason to go back anymore

[Guild][GilbertRose | Dontrag] and thanks

[MargoLane] has logged off.

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] so we don’t go back

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] and then things happen the way they did originally because we weren’t there

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] whispered: Right, see, I’m still waiting on the WHY part of all this

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] and so now we DO need to go back

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] WOW

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: because he’s not just crazy smart

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] …

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] and in that case, aren’t we just getting ourselves stuck in a loop?

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: he’s CRAZY

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] THIS IS GETTING REALLY DEEP

[Guild][GilbertRose | Dontrag] wait wut

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] where we just keep going around over and over having to redo the same things

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] whispered: Yeah, well, look, inventors are supposed to be a little eccentric

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] um

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] It is Honalee but I think it’s pretty interesting

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] whispered: The whole mad scientist type

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] just to keep time from breaking apart or whatever

[Guild][SteveKravitz | Utvoch] oh hey that sounds familiar somehow

[Guild][ProfHubert | Faranell] all right then. check please.

[ProfHubert | Faranell] has logged off.

[Guild][SteveKravitz | Utvoch] do you rememeber that doc

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] whispered: You’ve got a little dose of that yourself, I’ll have you know

[Guild][SteveKravitz | Utvoch] oh crap he logged


[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] yea I probably am

[Guild][GilbertRose | Dontrag] oh geez ut are you going on about that again

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Well well, it appears that the wonder twins are back.

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: garrosh I’m serious

[Guild][GilbertRose | Dontrag] i mean steve

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Which means it is, as the ogre would say, time for fun.

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] I mean I guess they can do what they want, it’s not like it’s real life

[Officer][Bartleby | Mokvar] Uh oh, here we go.

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] Still it would be nice if they tried to have it make sense

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Yeah, don’t hold your breath on that from the look of this

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: I know you don’t usually listen to me about policy decisions and yeah it’s not really my area, but just this time please listen to me

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] yea, I guess we’ll see

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] ^_^

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] ANYHOW I NEED TO GO

[Guild][SteveKravitz | Utvoch] yeah gil i told you before

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] whispered: Dude what’s up with you about this guy

[Guild][SteveKravitz | Utvoch] it really happened like i said

[Guild][HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] SEE EVERYONE SOON

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] Bye Honalee

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] later puff

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] whispered: What, did he wrinkle one of your damn comic books or something?

[HonaleePuff | Kalecgos] has logged off.

[Guild][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Oh, are you two done with your training scenarios? You completed them triumphantly and have your shiny new name badges, I trust?

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] oh and one other feature they were talking about

[Guild][SteveKravitz | Utvoch] no

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: he’s not stable

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] whispered: Um, have you not seen the people I’ve got surrounding me

[Guild][GilbertRose | Dontrag] no, it didn’t go so good

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] I guess at endgame you get to go back to ancient egypt and build your own pyramid

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: no no no I don’t mean like neurotic unstable

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] and gather followers there

[Guild][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Oh, I see.

[Guild][LivingRedGirl | Alexstrasza] That doesn’t sound very much like preserving the integrity of history

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Oh geez, just what I need

[Guild][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] That’s a shame.

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: blackfuse is brilliant but he’s honest-to-physics DANGEROUS

[Guild][GilbertRose | Dontrag] yea it kind asucks

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] lol yea i know

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Like I don’t have a hard enough time dealing with my student minions already

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] could be interesting, though

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Now I get to deal with more?

[Guild][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] You see, gentlemen, I was so hoping that you might earn your name tags and by so doing settle the nagging question that has vexed us lo these many months.

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] you know, I bet they’re going to base it on the teacher mechanic, too

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: back in kezan even gallywix knew to give him a wide berth

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] like the way you give assignments

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Ugh, don’t remind me. I’m trying to give out my daily homework now

[Guild][SteveKravitz | Utvoch] wait what?

[Guild][GilbertRose | Dontrag] no no, see we need to get a high score to pass, now a low one

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Having to do it all individually is a huge pain

[Guild][SteveKravitz | Utvoch] i don’t think that’s what she means gil

[Guild][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] I don’t know why they don’t just set it up so I can click on my teacher desk or something and hand out all the assignments at once

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Not to intrude on your gameplay, Warchief

[Guild][GilbertRose | Dontrag] well what do you think it is

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] whispered: Dude, Gallywix gives EVERYONE a wide berth

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] But I believe there’s an addon you can use for those assignments.

[Guild][SteveKravitz | Utvoch] i don’t know

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] I don’t know

[Guild][SteveKravitz | Utvoch] lol jinx

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] whispered: Have you not seen him? Motherfucker is huge, in a not-tall way

[Guild][GilbertRose | Dontrag] something about a question

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] Yeah, I know

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] I mean, yea, it would be convenient if you could click on a table and do it that way

[Guild][SteveKravitz | Utvoch] yea but what question?

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] I use it, normally

[Guild][GilbertRose | Dontrag] well thats a question

[Guild][Nightengayle | Garona] I bet that would get pretty tedious after a few weeks though

[Guild][SteveKravitz | Utvoch] yeah that’s A question but i don’t think it’s THE question

[Officer][Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] I just don’t have any of my usual addons since I’m not on my own computer here

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: wait

[Guild][GilbertRose | Dontrag] whats the difference

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Ah, I see.

[Guild][SteveKravitz | Utvoch] donty you idiot

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: you’re not on your laptop?

[Guild][SteveKravitz | Utvoch] one’s with a and one’s with the

[Guild][SteveKravitz | Utvoch] duh

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] whispered: No

[Officer][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] I would imagine that would leave you feeling a bit out of sorts.

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: how are you online then?

[Guild][GilbertRose | Dontrag] so um

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] whispered: I told you, I’m connecting from Blackfuse’s place

[Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh] whispered: I’m on his computer

[Guild][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] Oh, very well, gentlemen, i’ll spare you your coy maneuvering and lay my cards on the table.

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: um…

[Guild][SteveKravitz | Utvoch] wait we’re playing cards?

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: so I’ve been saying…

[Guild][SteveKravitz | Utvoch] i thought this was EO

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: you’re logged onto…

You whispered to [Omgipwnedurface | Garrosh]: frak

[Guild][LivinDeadGrl | Sylvanas] The pertinent question to which I allude is, of course, the ongoing mystery of which of you is Dontrag, and which one is Utvoch.

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] okay sorry to be abrupt everybody but I really need to log off

[Guild][SteveKravitz | Utvoch] wait that’s still a mystery?

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] like right right now

[Officer][Bartleby | Mokvar] Later, Spaz

[Guild][GilbertRose | Dontrag] dammit ut did you lose the letter from overlord cliffwalker again

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] I’ll talk to everyone later

[Officer][MrBadcrumble | Spazzle] I hope

You have logged off.


So yeah, not to be rude to you folks, too, but I need to wrap this up fast. I’ve got hacking to do. Like, a lot of it. Pronto. Time is money!




Monday mailbag


Okay, looks like we’ve got some follow-up responses to some of the last few mailbags, so let’s have at it…


Yo Warchief,

I’ve just come back from a meeting with one of Blackfuse’s representatives. Operation Mercenary is a-go.

He says Blackfuse’s official headquarters are all the way back on Kezan, which ain’t that easy to get to what with the exploding volcano and all that jazz, but the man’s actual main workshop is a little outfit in a cave system deep underground in the Azshara area. Not very glamorous but no one would think to look for him there, so I undersand.

Before you ask, it seems he’s run up a gambling debt with Booty Bay in the last while, so he has to lay low for the forseeable future. Good news is, that means he’s desperate – if there was any chance of him not agreeing to work with you before, there ain’t now; he’ll take money wherever he can get it.

Blackfuse says he’ll let you into his workshop so you can see what he’s offering firsthand, but you’ll have to cover your tracks. The instructions were: come on down to Bilgewater Harbour, buy 2 Moonberry Juice and a Cured Ham Steak from the innkeeper, a cute little number called Mixi, and wait for the arrival of his representative, a shifty mage called Fizz Lighter or something, who’ll port you to the complex. I remember him from Kezan; seems he’s doing well for himself these days.

Personally I prefer to meet my customers face-to-face and do business in the open rather than make them sneak around and do a little dance before enacting the secret handshake first, but I’m not the multi-million gold genius tinker in debt to the wrong people so easy for me to say I guess. Anyway, that’s what he said, Warchief, so it’s all up to you now.

One last thing: as an apology for knocking you into next tuesday with my first letter, take this little book I “purchased” from a Zandalari Troll while trolling for goods. (eheheh) It’s an Ancient Tome of Dinomancy, and I think your Kor’kron beastmasters will like it; it explains how the Zandas capture and tame direhorns (they’re dinosaurs with four legs and big-ass horns on their heads) seeing as how that’s one of the few things I threw your way that stuck. Come on out to Pandaria and see what I mean – there’s this island the Zandas call the Isle of Giants crawling with them. In particular, there’s this really stubborn and bloodthirsty devilsaur called Thok that I think you’d really like.

–Grottee Metalbeard, Goblin Shaman

P.S. Just walked past this shaman in real black clothing on the way to the postbox. You took those dark shammies up on thier offer, didn’t you Warchief? We’re all screwed…

Hey again, Grottee. Nice to see you’ve been working on your, um, editorial sensibilities. You know, the ones that help you trim out those extra thousand words or so. Anyhow.

On the one hand, good work lining things up, sort of, with that Blackfuse guy. On the other hand, fucking hell, SERIOUSLY? I need to go to the inn, and place the secret code order, and… Well, wait, hang on. Two moonberry juices and a cured ham steak? That’s the order that signals the mage lackey guy? I mean, not for anything, but that doesn’t sound like a very outlandish or unusual order. Wouldn’t the innkeeper get a lot of people buying ham steak and moonberry juice in a typical week, just by the law of averages? Cured ham steak IS some damn good eatin’, after all, and what better way to wash it down than with a nice, cold moonberry juice?

(The Warchief’s Command Board is sponsored in part by Rocktusk Pork Products and Dream of Elune Moonberry Bottlers.)



Hey. Look. A teenage daughter is fucking expensive, okay? Don’t judge me.

ANYWAY. The point is, you would have to figure random people at the inn are going to be placing that order all the time. So, what, is Blackfuse’s mage dude getting a false alarm thrown at him every couple days? Or does he just port these people to Blackfuse’s place straight away, without even checking with them? Because I don’t know if inducing spatial-displacement freakouts from random strangers would necessarily be great for business. Or…maybe it is? Like if he sells them some doohicky to teleport BACK once they’re already there. You know, kind of like that idea I had to put up a toll booth on the way in to Silithus, and charge people 50 copper to get in and 100 gold to get out. Personally, I think it would have done wonders for the budget, but oh no, Eitrigg had to get a bug up his ass over it. I don’t know, though… another shopping trip for Shayari and I might have to revisit this one.

So, anyway, okay, I guess I’m going to have to plan a trip to Azshara now. Like I don’t already have enough to do.


Dear Warchief,

Thank you ever so much for your approval, I just know Lyssa and I will be so happy together. *dances around squeeing*

I know that one day I’ll be able to show her how your leadership of the Horde is bringing new opportunities for peace, harmony, and prosperity for all of us residents of Azeroth. (Even the humans, once they get rid of that simpering idiot Varian. Did you know that the Kaldorei are matriarchal, and that they don’t really have any more respect for him than you do? Apparently Tyrande calls him “High King”, but to the Kaldorei, that actually means something like “Omega Bitch”?)

–Sintra E’Drien

I… hang on.

So you mean you’re… I don’t remember giving any… Doesn’t ANYBOY even…

Oh fuck it. It’s not even worth the trouble. Have at it. What do I care?

Lucky for you your little night elf she got me in a good mood with the thing about Varian. I always sorta figured that “High King” crap was because you have to toke up on the ol’ felweed to stand being around him for more than five minutes, but… Omega Bitch? Heh. Heheheh. HahahahaHAHAHAHAHAAA! <snort> BWAHAHAHAHA! HAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!



It’s funny because it’s true.


’Ey Warchief,

I be a long-time readah of da blog, an’ I gotta ask ya dis, mon. What d’ya t’ink of da light show da dragons put on? Ya know, a bit of felweed makes da whole t’ing bettah?

–Zuri, Zandalari priestess of Hir’eek

PS : When ya gonna have me back for dem special dances, mon? I know ya be enjoyin’ dem.

Thanks for writing, Zuri, I— HOLD THE PRESSES. You’re a freaking ZANDALARI?! I mean I know you’ve been around Orgrimmar (and IXNAY ON THE APDANCESLAY, for fuck’s sake – I’ve got enough griefers around here as it is), but I figured you were just another Darkspear, or I guess maybe a Revantusk or Shatterspear (Yes, I had to look those up. Shut up.), but a ZANDALARI? How the hell did THAT happen? And never mind how you even wound up in Orgrimmar in the first place – how do you even have TIME to roll around Orgrimmar? As a Zandalari, don’t you already have your day filled up with, you know, being evil, and turning up inexplicably in random lairs every few months just when they become briefly relevant, and riding dinosaurs and shit?

And HEY, STOP THE PRESSES PART II – DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN FUCKING DINOSAUR?! Can I get one?! You think you can hook me up? Is there even a place where you go to get them? I mean, yeah, I’ve heard, Pandaria, Isle of Giants, blah blah, but have YOU got a place for them, too? Because that could SERIOUSLY cut down on some importing costs if so, depending on what Nazgrim’s scouts have to say for themselves.

So what were you talking about? Oh yeah. Light show.

For anybody who’s confused, I think Zuri’s talking about this whole deal that the blue dragonflight does every so often in Orgrimmar where they roll into town and just sort of… hover around being sparkly for a while, whenever some random chump does some big favor for them or whatever. Matter of fact, Kalecgos himself used to run the show personally, back when they first started. Looks like he’s delegating now, since he hasn’t turned up since the whole Theramore business, which is probably just as well seeing as how, you know, awkward. Or the other dragons are still turning up on their own out of habit. Who knows.

Anyway, I’m not even sure what the whole to-do with the blue dragons even IS, but yeah, Zuri, shit’s trippy as hell. Give it a look next time you’re in town if you catch them at it, people. Puff, puff, pass, sit back and enjoy. Beats the fuck out of watching your hand move, let me tell you.


Dear Warchief,

WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO BRING STARBULL’S TO ORGRIMMAR?! We need kafa! Hot kafa! Everyday! I mean, yes, it’s dry and hot as hell out here, but I NEED THE KAFA! Um, WE ALL need the kafa!

It’s good for you! It tastes good and can make all kinds of special flavors. Moka Lava, chucklelate, sin-AYmon troll, express-OH whoa (massive haste boost with this one), and even snickers.

Did I mention it gives a haste buff too?

For the Kafa!

–Ruekie, Shaman in training
Kafa lover

So okay, Rook, it’s not that it isn’t nice to hear from you, but I have to ask: why are you always writing me letters with these questions? You see me in person, like, ALL THE TIME. You don’t need to go write a letter. You can just turn your head slightly to the left and be like, “Hey, boss, check this out.”

Setting that aside. You know, Rook, you might be on to something. I hear tell those Starbulls joints are all over the place in Mulgore these days, so I guess they must be doing something right. And I’ve gotta say – granted, it’s been a while since I’ve been out to Thunder Bluff, but last time I WAS there, I tried some of that Starbulls stuff. Not gonna lie, that kafa of theirs is pretty damn tasty. I’d especially recommend the vanilla/dark mocha tuxedo iced latte. You’ll thank me later.

(The Warchief’s Command Board is sponsored in part by Starbulls Kafa.)


Yeah, what of it?

Don’t look at me like that.


Fucking hell, you people.

Anyway, yeah, I might have to look into getting a Starbulls over here. I know there’s already a kafa place over in the goblin part of town, but the one time Spazzle took me, the kafa tasted like sludge. Actually, I’m not at all sure the stuff WASN’T sludge.

Also, come to think of it… A ready supply of kafa might possibly be handy to have around the next time Tirion shows up looking for Eitrigg. You think that haste buff might make him get to the point faster?


That’s going to do it for this time around. As always, keep those letters coming. More soon.


[The Warchief’s next mailbag will be Monday, August 3. As always, send e-mail to garrosh1337@gmail.com or use the handy form below!]

[Revision! Due to a reality-necessitated blogging break, the next mailbag is being postponed from August 3 to September 7. By all means keep those e-mails and form submissions coming, though!]