Tag Archives: inspection visit

Visiting Ashenvale


The inspection visits to Ashenvale have been a mixed bag so far.

On the plus side, we’re bombing the shit out of Astranaar, and watching stuff blow up is always fun. I even got to ride a wyvern and drop a few bombs myself, which let me tell you, was fun as all fuck. I went around three times – BOOM! I wanted to do more, but apparently the fucking wyvern was getting tired, so I had my guards beat it and tell it to quit being a such a pussy. Then I reassigned it to flight point duty and put it on the Winterspring-to-Silithus round trip. THAT SHOULD TOUGHEN IT UP. (Shit, this is going to get the DEHTA fuckers going again, isn’t it?)

I wanted to have them blow something up while I as there and then have Mokvar draw me walking away looking all unimpressed, because you look way cooler when you don’t even bother looking at an explosion, but Mokvar said he couldn’t draw, which was really fucking inconvenient, so I sent him back to Orgrimmar and told him to start milling inks and not leave until he’d gotten trained up. I’m not going to have lackeys riding around with me who can’t be bothered maxing up the necessary skills. LIKE HE HAS ANYTHING MORE IMPORTANT TO DO THESE DAYS.

On the down side, what the FUCK is going on with Splintertree Post? We used to have a pretty secure holding, and now we’re under siege by a bunch of fucking giant orange TREES? The hell?! Dammit, I’m all for advancing the battle onto fronts like Astranaar, but that doesn’t mean you get so preoccupied you let the stupid elves roll up on your original base! Oh and never mind the whole Durak business – yeah, let’s let the demons who nearly destroyed our whole race PLANT ONE OF THEIR OWN RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF OUR OUTPOST. Who the fuck is in charge out there anyway? They always say incompetence starts at the top…

By the way, I never thought I’d say this, but going around in these night elf forests is starting to make me think maybe the blood elves are actually the tough side of the family. I mean, yeah, they’re scrawny and prance around way too much for my liking – trust me, I know, the last thing Thrall did before skipping town was stick me with a whole delegation of them hanging out right in my fucking throne room, and don’t think for one minute that Thrall didn’t laugh his ass off all the way to the Maelstrom over that one – and yeah, the whole sunshiny enchanted woods they have in Eversong isn’t helping matters. But shit, look around this place, and it’s like these night elves felt the need to fucking dip everything in glitter.

I still need to check in at the new fortifications at Zoram’gar, but first I need to make one side trip. More later.



[Header image provided by Rioriel from Postcards From Azeroth, reproduced here with permission and many thanks. Click here to see the souped-up Postcard version!]


Upcoming plans


Just a short update today.

I was meeting with Eitrigg this afternoon to work out plans for the next series of inspection visits to our Kalimdor operations and I told him about the blog. He seemed pretty happy that I took his advice about starting it and said he’d look it up. Which is good in a way but on the other hand, great, now there’s one person I have to make sure I don’t start talking about in case they see it. Except for me talking about him now. I should stop that. Except talking about stopping talking about him is still talking about him. HEAD HURTS. RAAAA!!

Funny thing is, though, Eitrigg was all proud of himself for giving me the idea to work out my ideas in writing, but the truth is I actually used to do this before. Back in Nagrand, I used to keep a journal and write in it all the time. I kept to myself back then and didn’t really talk to a lot of people, what with me not knowing the whole story about Grom and thinking my dad was the greatest traitor to the orcs ever, the end. I was probably kind of emo, too, but hey, YOU try living under the belief that your dad had doomed your whole civilization.

Anyway, I didn’t have a lot of people to talk to, but I had a lot on my mind, so I used to write in this journal that Greatmother gave me. Mostly I’d just write about my day and try to work out stuff that was on my mind. Sometimes I’d get creative and write some poems. Yeah, what of it? I still have it so maybe one of these days I’ll dig through it and put a few things up on the blog.

Anyway, I need to go finish making arrangements. Ashenvale’s up next.


Visiting the Barrens


Okay, so I just got back from an inspection visit to the Barrens, and for FUCK’S sake, seriously, is EVERYONE out there retarded?? All you hear all day is a bunch of facts about Saurfang and THEY’RE NOT EVEN FUCKING TRUE! I spent the whole afternoon trying to explain to Tari’qa that Saurfang is NOT actually a shaman because he commands the element of surprise! OMG THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL ELEMENT!!

And holy fucking fuck, we KNOW where Mankrik’s wife is! She’s dead! SHE’S TOTALLY FUCKING DEAD! I BUILT HER A SHRINE MYSELF! SHE’S A FUCKING CORPSE OKAY?? Oh wait, fuck, I hope Mankrik doesn’t see this. Where was that erase button again? Hey Mankrik, if you’re reading this, totally sorry about your loss, man. Respect. Peace and shit.

But geez, I’m telling you, while I was out there, I totally should have finished looking for Chen’s keg, because I swear by the time I was done I sure could have used a good stiff drink.

I need to visit more of our operations around Kalimdor soon, and based on this one it looks like I’m going to have to brace myself. How did Thrall put up with being surrounded by idiots?



[Header image provided by Rioriel from Postcards From Azeroth, reproduced here with permission and many thanks. Click here to see the souped-up Postcard version!]