Category Archives: Comics

Those who fight monsters (part 3)




Those who fight monsters (part 2)




Those who fight monsters (part 1)




Scribin’ ain’t easy



* For anyone not in the know, Mokvar was long responsible for recording Garrosh’s transcripts, but in his absence, Gurtash took over scribe duty in comic form. With both of them present here in Blackrock Spire, Mokvar and Gurtash turned to a time-honored method for settling dibs.


* When Shayari first came to Orgrimmar and met Garrosh, Gurtash’s artwork was…less than steadfast in its commitment to verisimilitude.


How to make friends and influence demons



* As readers of Jubeka’s journal from the green fire quest chain will recall, it was Jubeka’s fascination with more powerful demons that led to the introduction of the Grimoire of Supremacy talent for warlocks in Mists of Pandaria. Which…roughly corresponds serendipitously with the time of Mokvar’s disappearance on this adventure.


* Those of you who completed the green fire chain will recall much of this exchange from the Pursuing the Black Harvest solo scenario. (Yes, I doctored the exchange a little here, but I have to be allowed some artistic license, right? RIGHT?!)



* Faranell surprised Garrosh here by turning up in Orgrimmar sporting a brand new (albeit possibly ill-fitting) jaw…

** …which evidently didn’t last very long. According to Faranell, when Shayari made her unauthorized departure from the Undercity, she managed to damage the new acquisition. A repair bill to be forwarded to the Warchief is still pending.


Pull me back in


[So…as everyone surely remembers from previously, Mokvar was recounting the tale of his pursuit of the Council of the Black Harvest. Mokvar’s search led him from the Firelands to Shadowmoon Valley, where he found Kanrethand Ebonlocke and Jubeka Shadowbreaker…]



* For anyone who’s forgotten the details of Mokvar’s sordid past: Back in his days as a mercenary with the Veiled Blade, on a mission to Blackrock Spire, he acquired the Nether Prism, a warlock relic that could be used to dominate the will of demons. Mokvar detailed his backstory here and here.


* While tracking down the Council of the Black Harvest, Mokvar alienated old friends though a range of odd behavior, among it apparently killing old mercenary comrade Theldren while in Ironforge (which Mokvar would later explain as a result of a spectral assassin attack).


Times change


[To commemorate the release of Warlords of Draenor, we’re going to take a timey-whimey side trip from normal blog continuity* to check in on what Garrosh and his newfound buddy Kairoz got up to after skipping out on the trial in War Crimes. As it happens, Garrosh and Kairoz didn’t take the direct route to Draenor — which those of you who listen to the Lorewalkers Roundtable podcast already know, courtesy of a number of letters Garrosh has sent in concerning his ongoing adventures across the space-time continuum. I had actually intended to have this post up for the first day of WoD, but evidently those release-day technical issues were so pervasive that even the blog ended up being stuck in queue. So it goes.]

[*For any newcomers: The blog is currently unfolding within the timeframe of Patch 5.2. Think of it as comic book time. If Aunt May can be an 80-year-old woman for 40 years, I can take my sweet time cranking out the silly.]






Pursuing the Black Harvest






*   *   *

[Two quick notes! First, after more than a little cajoling from certain individuals who know who they are, I’ve set up a DeviantArt account under the GarroshHllscream name (same as the Garrosh Twitter, just sans the @). Think of it as Gurtash’s sketchbook — I’ll likely use it to toss up various odds and ends: character sketches, requests (want to see your character Gurtash-style?), work-in-progress glimpses of upcoming comics (perhaps as reassurance that something is in the works when I have a lull), and whatever else might come to mind. Don’t worry, I realize that I’m posting content to the blog at a slower pace than I would like, so I don’t intend to let myself become overly distracted by the new toy; the DA account will serve to complement the blog, not compete with it. Hopefully folks will enjoy having the occasional peek at what Gurtash is working on.

That said, I’m getting the page started with a holiday rendition of one of our trainees — Ruekie, decked out in her Hallow’s End costume. I’d planned costumes for the other trainees, and may still try to get one or two of them done before the day is out. Time will tell!

Meanwhile, we’re coming down to the last few days before the final meta raid weekend prior to the release of Warlords of Draenor! I just wanted to remind folks that we’ll be planning to do something — hopefully one last Siege of Orgrimmar — on Saturday, November 8. Mark your calendars! With the imminent release of the new expansion, this will likely be the last meta raid proper that we’ll be doing for quite a while, though we might still carry on with other random shenanigans in the future…]


Out of the frying pan, into the Firelands



* Mokvar pulled a sneaky bait-and-switch with Ji to keep Mylune from…detaining him at the Sanctuary of Malorne.

** Neeru Fireblade pointed Mokvar in the direction of the Council of the Black Harvest, and Ritssyn specifically, here. As the green fire veterans among you may recall, Ritssyn and Zinnin were dispatched to the Firelands by Kanrethad Ebonlocke.


* As Mokvar has detailed, the Nether Prism is a warlock relic which he had acquired years ago in Blackrock Spire; when its powers proved stronger than he could handle, he passed the prism off to the imp Vi’el, a collector or rare magic items, in Darkwhisper Gorge. When Mokvar and Deliana returned to Winterspring to try to recover the Prism, however, they found Vi’el had been killed and the Prism was nowhere to be found.



In which Ji has kind of a rough week



* Spazzle spilled the beans (well, most of them) about Mokvar here, after Krog reported on Spazzle’s clandestine meeting with Mokvar in Winterspring.

** While being held in Orgrimmar, Mokvar and Deliana carried out an escape plan when Ji let himself be knocked out to distract the Kor’kron guards. Spazzle reported on all this (to you folks at home, not to Garrosh…yet) here and here.


* Garona revealed to Mokvar that she was shadowing him early on, when she intervened to protect him during an attack by spectral assassins.


* That would be the aforementioned clandestine meeting with Spazzle.

** Oh, Mylune. Garrosh crossed paths with everyone’s favorite bunny-hugger at the Sanctuary of Malorne in a rather memorable encounter here. And, what the hey, might as well link back to the other times he’s run into her, in Mulgore and at an ill-fated anger management seminar (for the uninitiated among you: yes, really).
